Unique Mini Soil Surveys
Our unique method of forming lined boreholes is designed to work in areas with restricted access and limited space or headroom.
Small Drilling Rig Benefits
Our unique small drilling rig produces test results normally provided by much larger and more expensive machines. Our results are recognised and of great value to Consulting Engineers throughout the industry.
Cost Effective
A Mini Soil Survey will cost less than using heavier equipment
Our small rig costs less than using heavier equipment. There are less issues with site access. The cost of not planning ahead is difficult to measure. The lower cost means it’s less tempting to cut corners, negating potentially costly issues and reconsiderations down the line.
Our small rig can access even the most difficult sites
With our small rig we’re able to access difficult sites where in many instances it wouldn’t be otherwise possible.
A Mini Soil Survey produces sufficient information quickly
The difficulty of creating suitable access for large rigs can be a time-consuming task. We can be in and out quickly and test multiple locations.
Investigate Don’t Speculate
We investigate and provide ground reports for proposed extensions, building sites large and small, subsidence problems, telecom mast sites. Access is rarely a problem.
Established in 1989, Mini Soil Surveys operate small percussion drilling rigs which are cost effective and sufficiently accurate to 6-8m (depending upon soil types and strength) for foundation design for “shallow” strip or pad footings.
More than nine times out of ten a Mini Soil Surveys investigation will produce sufficient information to enable the design to be made for “shallow” foundations.
Proven over more than 25 years your on-site soil survey and results are supported by our knowledge and expertise.
We operate in several sectors supporting Telecoms, Development and construction, Land and Home Owners.